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Spy gumbi

Gumb skrite kamere snemajo na mikro snemalnik ob zaznavi in uporabljajo shranjevanje na spominske kartico in lastno polnilno baterijo ali prenos na neomejene razdalje v živo preko gsm 4G omrežja

2 artiklov

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  • Gumb kamera s snemalnikom

    The camera button can be easily attached to your clothes, and you can thanks to her quite discreetly filming his surroundings.


    • ease of use (one-lever)
    • podpora až 32GB micro SD
    • overwrite the oldest records when memory is full
    • 720x480px resolution
    • possibility to supply from any powebanky

    Camera does not have its own battery, and it is therefore necessary to connect it to your PowerBank. Thanks to the possibility to connect PowerBank of any capacity, can withstand record more than 10 hours.

    Poizvej več
    149,00 €

  • 4G gumb kamera s prenosom slike na neomejeno razdaljo

    Just insert your SIM card, press a button and wait 30-60 seconds for the camera to connect to the network. The image from the camera immediately start automatically streamed on the Internet, where it can monitor your partner away from unlimited distance on a tablet or mobile phone. This set is a perfect example in combination with Earphone when 4G camera to instantly transfer images over unlimited distances, and your partner will then be able to communicate via Earphone answers. Poizvej več
    1.250,00 €

2 artiklov

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